Displaying 1 - 6 of 6
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    I am so very excited to report that my new book Faith in the Night Seasons is almost completed. After living it for seven years and then writing it for almost a year and a half, you can't believe how thrilled I am to have it nearing completion.
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    Over the last several months we have been delving into the real meaning of Agape Love-the supernatural Love of Jesus that is poured into our hearts the moment we believe and invite Him into our lives. It is God Himself who comes into our hearts at that moment-He is that Love!
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    This is the final article in a series on what it means to love God practically. In our previous articles we covered the first two parts of the Inner Court Ritual--steps I believe God has laid out for us in Scripture to help us love Him the way He desires. In review, these steps are:
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    In Part One we began a series of articles on loving God. This time, we are concentrating on "practically" what it means to love Him. Do we love God daily by simply having deep emotional affection for Him?
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    In Part One we began a series on what it means to love God in our every day lives. In other words, what are the day-to-day steps in laying down our wills and our lives to God and loving Him as He desires.
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    David Needham, author of the book Birthright, states, "...the big task is not the finding of the truth, but the living of it!" I agree with him completely. What good are God's principles if they don't work in our hearts and change our lives?