• The recently proposed "Road Map" peace plan has been met with both criticism and support. Despite hopes to the contrary, many doubt this latest effort will succeed where others have failed so many times before. How is this plan different from its predecessors? Is peace between Israelis and Palestinians possible?

  • Over the last several months, we have been exploring the power of our choice; i.e., our willpower. As Christians, God has given us the free choice to either follow His will moment by moment or follow what we think and feel. Emotional choices, however, quench God's Spirit. Whereas faith choices (choices to follow Him regardless of how we feel) unleash all of His power to come to our aid.

  • For 19 centuries Bible scholars have been anticipating a "Revived Roman Empire."  Many wonder where this strange expectation comes from. Is this some kind of academic fantasy, or is there a real basis for this quaint perspective?

  • On June 6th (the 6th of Sivan on the Hebrew calendar) the Jews will celebrate Hag HaShavuot, the Feast of Weeks, or Pentecost.  This comes from Leviticus 23:16, which points to "the morrow after the seventh sabbath" after the Feast of First Fruits (thus, 50 days-in Greek, pentecost.)

  • Have you ever thought, "There must be a key to reaching the lost"? There is - but it's rusty through lack of use. The Bible does actually call it "the key," and its purpose is to bring us to Christ - to unlock the Door of the Savior (John 10:9). Yet much of the Church still doesn't even know that it exists.

  • Recent Hubble measurements suggest that the universe isn't as grainy as it should be. This may sound paradoxical, but it seems to challenge our basic notions about this reality we call our universe.

  • Is it possible to make choices to follow God when we don't feel like it, want to or think it will work? This has been the subject we have been exploring over the last few months - faith choices - and why they are so important.

  • At the time of this writing there remains much to do in "Operation: Iraqi Freedom," yet the past three weeks have certainly changed the entire strategic landscape of the Middle East.

  • Many of us who have visited Israel regard the visit to the "Garden Tomb" as one of the major highlights of the trip. The British trust that manages the site always presents it as simply "representative"; however, we feel they are understating the actual facts.

  • The books of Samuel and Kings form a basic foundational study in the Old Testament. An understanding of this basic history is essential, not only to understanding the Old and New Testaments, but in gaining a valid perspective of eschatological issues as well.

  • Neanderthals, the prehistoric subspecies of humans known as Homo sapiens neanderthalensis, are believed to have been muscular, thicker-skulled, erect creatures similar in intelligence to anatomically modern humans (the subspecies Homo sapiens sapiens).

  • How do we as Christians overcome the justified hurt feelings, the anger, the bitterness, the resentment, the fear, the unforgiveness, the insecurity, the guilt and the memories that consume us daily?

  • Let's assume that the United States and its allies have overthrown Iraqi President Saddam Hussein. What types of issues and problems will follow?

  • God has given man a free will, much like His own. Our free will is the most important element of our make-up, because within that will lies the power to choose: to choose to follow what God desires us to do or follow what our own thoughts and emotions are telling us.

  • In last month's article, we revealed what may finally be the "smoking gun" needed to confirm a cover-up of the Roswell crash. This month we'll look at one of the more elaborate examples of apparent disinformation involving ostensible government documents.

  • As Christians, most of us would agree that we've not been called simply to gain knowledge about Christ, but to gain more of His Life to give to others. We would concur that true Christianity is not about "head knowledge," but about Christ's Life being personally experienced and then passed on.

  • The topics of UFOs, alien abductions, and the like continue to emerge in the news and are gaining even more popularity in the entertainment media And, as never before, the folklore continues to get mixed in with the facts.

  • The "Beads of Waitangi" are a string of 347 beads which spell out Genesis 1:1 in Morse Code.

  • Did life on Earth - with all of its incredible complexity and diversity - arise from an undirected evolutionary process, as many scientists have believed since the time of Charles Darwin?

  • Last month we began a brand-new series called Against the Tide. This new series will cover some very simple, but extremely important, fundamental principles: i.e., how to walk by faith. If we don't understand how to make moment-by-moment faith choices, we may as well forget "living the Christian life!"