Home Study Alternatives

Submitted by Chuck Missler on May 31, 2004

From the beginning of our ministry, we have been committed to assisting, in every way possible, the encouragement, development, and facilitation of home Bible study fellowships. It has been our experience that small study groups, meeting during the week as a supplement to Sunday church services, are among the most dynamic ways to encourage personal spiritual growth. Most of our materials have been developed with this as an objective.

(Our recent briefing package, The Once and Future Church, also attempts to address the history and advantages of decentralized forms of fellowship.)

One of the means of encouraging serious study of the Bible as the inerrant Word of God is to provide study courses and materials through our Koinonia Institute.

Beginning with our introductory study, Learn the Bible in 24 Hours, we plan to offer additional "bridge" materials and courses to link with many of our publications. These materials are designed as academic "distance learning" courses as well as providing structure to the informal learning environment of small groups-each exploiting the Internet and other correspondence methodologies wherever practical.

If you have an interest in exploring a personal program of study,  see our course offerings in our Koinonia Institute.