Our Most Unique Donation Ever

Submitted by Chuck Missler on Oct 01, 2003

We had a most unusual phone call a few weeks ago. Tommy Fry, a loyal subscriber since our Big Bear days back in the early '90s, had an interesting problem. He races cars with the NASCAR Elite Division Featherlite Southwest Series, and the race coming up in Irwindale, CA, that weekend was going to be nationally televised. At the last moment, the sponsor for his car's hood had fallen through and time was running out to find a new one.

The Lord evidently placed Koinonia House on Tommy's heart and his phone call was to ask our permission to put our logo on his car's hood for the upcoming race (a valuable spot on the race car) as a tribute to our ministry!

We're always blown away by the things the Lord does and the situations He puts K-House in, but this offer had to be our most unique donation ever. We graciously agreed and quickly sent the artwork down so a decal could be made for the race, which was just two days away.

So we proudly display below the only race car (as far as we know) with Koinonia House as one of its sponsors. And we pray the Lord's blessing on Tommy as he continues his pursuits on the NASCAR racing circuit.