Steeling Costa Mesa

Submitted by K-House Team on Apr 01, 2003

It's hard to believe that this is the 10th year of Steeling Bible Conferences! But every year, for every conference, the task has always been the same-bring in the best and the brightest Bible teachers in the nation to expositionally hammer away on tough subjects.

In Costa Mesa last February, those that invested a day were not disappointed! Minds were steeled, lives changed, and friendships forged. From Mike Gendron's opening presentation titled, "The Coming One World Religion," to Frank Peretti's hilarious but highly convicting exhortation final titled, "The Charge," it was one full day of spiritual armoring.

"This was my first Steeling conference... and it won't be my last!" said Roy, who had traveled five hours by car to get to the conference.

Using large screens to project excellent graphics, John Morris and Kent Hovind's apologetic presentations shot holes in the Theory of Evolution. Bob Cornuke showed Paul's anchors he found in the Mediterranean, and Chuck Missler brought a blast from the past with his presentation, "Pyramids, Planets and the Bible."

Probably the most intriguing was Kirk Cameron's (of Growing Pains and Left Behind fame) presentation of the classic "Hell's Best Kept Secret." Coming from an industry that is practically void of evangelical Christians, you could have heard a pin drop as he clearly and methodically laid out the case for Christ.

If you are married, or planning to be, Daryl Kraft's presentation on marriage is a must-see. His ability to show the God-designed differences between men and women is as good as it gets. But make sure you watch it with your spouse!

The good news is that every one of these awesome presentations was recorded and is available to steel your mind at home, in Bible studies, or in one of the scores of full-church presentations held across America.