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    In an attempted to warn the nation, the Democrat Congressman from Florida, Albert S. Herlong, Jr., read into the U.S Congressional Record, January 10, 1963, the list of Communist goals for America (Vol 109, 88th Congress, 1st Session, Appendix, pp. A34–A35).
  • America Divided
    Prior to the Civil War, America was divided into 5 categories: Radical Northern Republicans, Moderate Republicans, Practical Neutral Voters, Moderate Southern Democrats, Extreme Southern Democrats.
  • U.S. Court
    Have the 50 States been reduced to one United STATE run by 5 supreme despots? Jefferson warned of a judiciary “DESPOTIC branch”. Popular culture describes America as a democracy. Scholars clarify it is a constitutional republic. But in a sense, America is neither.
  • Article
    The Constitution provides the framework for one of the oldest republics in history. This document has been under attack since its adoption, but no more so than over the last half-century.
  • US Flag
    The current status of the individual states that comprise the United States of America could be defined with the possible title for a television reality show—“The Sane, The Insane, and Those in Between.”
  • Article
    The deceit of audacity defines a new battlefront in the U.S. border security and immigration debate. The Governor of the U.S. state of Arizona, Jan Brewer, had the “audacity” on April 23, 2010 to sign into law Senate Bill (SB) 1070—a bill that declared a person found in the United States illegally would also be considered “illegal” in the state of Arizona.
  • America
    The financial debacle we’ve all been plunged into was brought about by two bubbles: the real estate bubble and the associated credit bubble. A choreography of fiscal lunacy is well summarized in a New York Times article by Michael Lewis and David Einhorn:
  • Article
    Hosea was a prophet (or seer) who was called to declare God's indictment against the Northern Kingdom.