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    One of Christianity's most controversial issues - and one of our most frequently asked questions - involves the concept of Eternal Security. There are good scholars on all sides of this issue, yet we felt it would be useful to explain our own views on this highly charged subject.

    We believe that the root problem stems from a lack of precision in our definitions. Earl Rademacher brings this to light when he declares that, I have been saved: I am being saved: and, I will be saved. He is simply highlighting the three tenses of salvation.

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    Are all believers going to be equal in heaven? Wasn't it all decided at the cross? Is there a difference between overcoming sin and bearing fruit?

    Inheritance came to the firstborn son by virtue of his birth. Whether he actually secured it depended upon his obedience and the father's choice. Inheritance was subject to condition and obedience. The Abrahamic Inheritance was based on Divine Oath, conditioned on obedience.

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    “The fear of God is the beginning of wisdom.” Proverbs 9:10
    But how do we balance the awesome majesty due to the Creator and Ruler of the universe with the gracious family intimacy that is now available to us through the completed work of Christ?

    What does His Holiness demand of us, personally?

    What are the hazards of failing to render the Almighty His due, while availing ourselves the riches committed to us of the precious promises in His Word?

    How do we deal with these paramount issues facing us daily in practical challenges?

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    When did Satan fall?

    We know that the angels were created prior to the Earth. We find Satan had already fallen in Genesis 3. The mystery is, when did he fall? It appears that there are substantial Scriptural references to his rebellion, his agenda, and the subsequent catastrophic judgment that ensued.

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    Our Lord repeatedly instructed us: "Be not deceived." That is an imperative: a command, not simply a suggestion. But how? What are the tools to prevent our being deceived or misled?

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    In this briefing pack Thy Kingdom Come, Chuck Missler gives insight into the questions, Are you ready? Do you understand? Does your behavior now matter later?